Established January of 2023.

Marin County CRPA first official meeting was held January 2023 with membership being invited in the following June. Much like the parent organization of the state wide CRPA, being founded in in 1875, Marin chapter seeks to defend the civil and constitutional rights of individuals to choose to responsibility own and use firearms.

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Two shooting at range
Range Training
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Hand holding gun
Gun Safety
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Gun class at the range
Target Practice



As firearms are potentially dangerous tools, and mishandling them can lead to serious injuries or fatalities. Training helps individuals understand and practice safe gun handling techniques, including proper grip, stance, aiming, and trigger control. This knowledge reduces the risk of accidental discharge and promotes responsible firearm ownership.


Training provides individuals with knowledge and skills related to firearm maintenance, cleaning, and troubleshooting. Understanding how to disassemble, clean, and maintain a gun ensures its reliability and longevity. Additionally, knowing how to troubleshoot common issues can prevent malfunctions during critical moments.


Gun training typically covers legal aspects of firearm ownership, including local laws, self-defense statutes, and the use of force continuum. It helps individuals understand their rights and responsibilities, ensuring they stay within the boundaries of the law while using a firearm. Ethical considerations, such as the proportional use of force and the duty to protect innocent lives, are also emphasized during training.


Training enhances shooting skills and proficiency with a firearm. Regular practice helps individuals develop accuracy, speed, and muscle memory, which are vital for effectively using a gun in self-defense or professional capacities. It allows individuals to become familiar with their specific firearm, improving their ability to handle it confidently and react appropriately in high-pressure situations.

Firing Line Magazine Cover
Chapter guide logo
CRPA Logo apparel
Girl unholstering


California Rifle & Pistol Association is one of the oldest Second Amendment organizations in the state and the country. With over 147 years of experience fighting for your rights, we are holding the line and defending the Second against those elected officials who seek to limit the constitutional rights of the people. CRPA believes in the next generation, safety and training, and the right of citizens to possess a firearm for sport or defense.

CRPA logo in white

Marin County Chapter


Support Your 2nd Amendment Rights

The California Rifle & Pistol Association, founded in 1875, provides training in the safe, responsible, and enjoyable use of firearms; sanctions competitive shooting state championships; and fights for the constitutional right to keep and bear arms for those who choose to own a gun in California for sport, hunting, or self-defense.


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provides training in the safe, responsible, and enjoyable use of firearms; sanctions competitive shooting state championships; and fights for the constitutional right to keep and bear arms for those who choose to own a gun in California for sport, hunting, or self-defense. SUBSCRIBE E-news Subscription Follow the latest news, events and activities of the California Rifle & Pistol Association by signing up for our e-news! All subscribers will receive exclusive alerts and invitations to events through out California.